ASPMN® has established the AP recognition program at the request of Advanced Practice Nurses specializing in pain management. Activities approved for AP portfolio points go beyond routine, entry-level pain management nursing practice, and challenge individual applicants to contribute to the art and science of the specialty.
Qualified nurses may be recognized as having achieved Advanced Practice Competency in Pain Management Nursing by fulfilling the activity requirements of the Advanced Practice portfolio (AP). Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (NP, CNS, CRNA and CNM) that carry a current Pain Management nursing certification can apply for AP recognition via portfolio. Successful applicants earn the credential AP-PMN and can use the distinction to highlight their competency of this focused practice designation. The initial AP recognition is good for five years, then the applicant is expected to complete a renewal packet for continuing designation as AP-PMN. For information about this program email
View the AP-PMN Information Webinar on YouTube to learn more about this credential.
The Advanced Practice Commission will now offer mentorship to anyone applying for the AP-PMN recognition. A Letter of Intent will be submitted by the nurse to help the AP Commission determine that the appropriate criteria are met in advance. The Commission will then assign a liaison to help mentor and be a resource to the applicant. We will accept these letters any time during the year to allow plenty of time for the applicant to get any help needed. Our goal is to have all APRNs who are Pain Management Nurse-Board Certified to seek recognition.
Click here to download the letter of intent.
Click here for application and renewal application file and instructions.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
Those APRNs receiving AP-PMN recognition throughout the year are celebrated at the ASPMN annual conference (The APPMN recognition must be granted by August to have applicant recognized at that year’s fall conference; if not, APRNs will be recognized at the following year’s conference).
The objectives of the ASPMN® Advanced Practice Portfolio Recognition Program are to promote excellence in Advanced Practice Pain Management Nursing by:
- Formally recognizing those individuals who meet all the requirements of the ASPMN®AP Program.
- Encouraging continued professional growth in the practice of pain management nursing.
- Establishing and measuring the level of knowledge required for AP recognition in pain management nursing.
- Providing a standard of knowledge required for recognition, thereby assisting the employer, public, and members of health professions in the assessment of the AP Pain Management Nurse.
The Advanced Practice (AP) Portfolio Program is a mechanism for demonstrating advanced level knowledge and competency in the practice of pain management nursing evidenced by completion of:
- Entry level ANCC Pain Management certification by examination.
- Graduate level nursing education as a patient care provider (NP, CNS, CNRA, or CNM).
- Professional activities that contribute to the advancement of the art and science of Pain Management Advanced Practice Nursing.