ASPMN® members can join the Nursing Issues SIG List Serve. Members who join will receive, via e-mail, information relating to pain management, as well as other information of interest to pain management professionals. ASPMN® member participation offers the opportunity to network with subscribers of the List Serve; when a member responds to any correspondence, he/she is responding to the entire List Serve.

All new members added to the List Serve will receive a welcome message with instructions on how to participate in the list and how their subscription can be customized, including digest options, temporary absences from the list, and so on.

To participate, please forward your preferred e-mail address to the National Office at with your request to be added to the List Serve.

To be removed from the List Serve, please contact the above e-mail address. For more information, contact the ASPMN® National Office, at 571-831-8181.