Pain Management Nursing Journal

ASPMN Member Online Journal Access

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**Note that users must first Register and create a journal account, Log in, and then Claim sub using ASPMN member info. After the initial set up, members simply sign into their accounts**

Instructions for Authors

Pain Management Nursing Journal – Call for Reviewers

Overview of Responsibilities

Selection Guidelines
The editors select reviewers based on qualifications. The reviewer candidate must:

  • Have strong oral and written communication skills
  • Have a record of publication in professional journals
  • Be actively involved in nursing
  • Have a working understanding of electronic communication

Research experience is recommended but not required.

Time Requirement
Approximately 2 manuscripts (2-4 hours) per quarter

Reviewers are oriented to their role by the editors via sample exemplary reviews and tutorials and other resources provided by Elsevier.

The reviewers are informally evaluated by the editors based on the fulfillment of their primary responsibilities. Reviewers serve an initial 1-year term and may serve additional years if agreed upon by the reviewer and editors. Reviewers are replaced as appropriate to fulfill the purpose and direction of the journal.

Please send a letter of interest and CV to Elaine Miller, Editor (

Other Reviewer Resources:

Elsevier Academy’s Peer Review Course Certification Videos

Reviewer Pearls in the Peer Review Process
Viewing this presentation will increase your knowledge, skill and confidence in performing a peer review of a journal manuscript.  Plus, it is designed for both the novice and current reviewers.