Has your membership been expired for one or more years? You can now reinstate your membership online by using the links below.

Reinstate Active Membership
Any United States citizen or permanent resident who is licensed to practice as a professional registered nurse and is interested in pain management. Active members can vote, hold office, and serve on committees.
Reinstate Student Membership
An individual enrolled in a nursing education program leading to eligibility for registered nurse licensure or BSN degree completion. Student members shall be excluded from holding office and serving on committees. 
Reinstate International Membership
A professional registered nurse licensed and practicing outside North America, and not licensed in North America. International members shall be excluded from holding office and voting. International members can be asked to be a non-voting committee member if approved by the Board of Directors.
Reinstate Associate Membership
Includes LPN/LVNs, and other health care professionals who are interested in ASPMN®’s goals (e.g., pharmacists, social workers). Associate members shall be excluded from holding office and voting. An Associate Member can be a member of a committee.